FEI World Equestrian Championships Test Events in Pratoni, Roma

FEI World Equestrian Championships Test Events in Pratoni, Roma

Team Sleip at the FEI World Champions in Italy
In the lead up to the FEI World Champions in Italy in September we are delighted to have been invited by the event’s head veterinarian Carlo Bolaffio to introduce Sleip to some of the national team vets.
Team Sleip at the FEI World Champions in Italy
In the lead up to the FEI World Champions in Italy in September we are delighted to have been invited by the event’s head veterinarian Carlo Bolaffio to introduce Sleip to some of the national team vets.
Team Sleip at the FEI World Champions in Italy
In the lead up to the FEI World Champions in Italy in September we are delighted to have been invited by the event’s head veterinarian Carlo Bolaffio to introduce Sleip to some of the national team vets.
Team Sleip at the FEI World Champions in Italy
In the lead up to the FEI World Champions in Italy in September we are delighted to have been invited by the event’s head veterinarian Carlo Bolaffio to introduce Sleip to some of the national team vets.


Latest news

Create Sleip videos at walk and canter

Create Sleip videos at walk and canter

Sleip now automatically identifies horse movement as walk, trot, or canter.

Sleip listed as one of the “most promising AI-startups”

Sleip listed as one of the “most promising AI-startups”

Sleip listed as one of the “most promising AI-startups”

Stride frequency in the Sleip app

Stride frequency in the Sleip app

We are pleased to release a new basic biomechanical measurement! Sleip now includes data on the horse’s stride frequency in the analysis summary, measured in strides per second.