Transforming equine care through technology

Measure the horse's movements straight from video

Sleip's markerless technology uses artificial intelligence (AI) motion analysis to detect and quantify asymmetries in the horse's gait. All you need is your phone. 



Every step tells a story

How a horse moves gives valuable clues as to its health and well-being. Sleip pioneers the translation of this narrative, drawing on AI and the science of equine biomechanics to decode subtle changes in gait. Our mission is to make motion analysis simple and accessible. No extra hardware required – just your phone.

iPhone 14 pro website

Every number backs it up 

We believe in the value of objective data to back up decisions and dialogue around horse health. Quantified gait analysis detects very small asymmetries with high sensitivity. These measurements can be particularly useful for tracking changes – to support lameness diagnostics and evaluation of treatment or track the progress of rehabilitation or training.


Power up your phone 

The Sleip app gives you the flexibility to conduct motion analyses anywhere, with precise asymmetry metrics and stride-by-stride analysis results returned in minutes. The documentation, including high-quality video and easy-to-understand graphics, can be shared with clients and colleagues.


Access to the app is provided through monthly subscription plans adapted to the size and needs of your practice. 

Contact us and get a demo!  


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Lameness diagnostics with AI 

Sleip was developed to make quantified gait analysis more accessible to equine veterinarians. The precision of Sleip is validated against state-of-the art motion capture camera systems installed at equine medical research facilities. 

Prevention and early detection

Sleip’s sharing functionality allows vets to invite others, such as horse owners, to record through the Sleip app for them. The analysis results from the recording are automatically uploaded to the vet, opening up for new types of remote support.


Regular recordings provide a fingerprint of the horse's individual movement pattern. A baseline is easily established, and irregularities can be detected early making preventative care a tangible reality.

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Coming soon: Sleip for monitoring and referrals

While Sleip’s core diagnostics product is offered exclusively to equine vets, we're developing a version for other equine professionals to monitor motion patterns using Sleip. In this way, irregularities can be picked up and horses referred to veterinarians earlier. Analysis videos and data makes the referral easier.


Coming soon: Sleip for monitoring and referrals

While Sleip’s core diagnostics product is offered exclusively to equine vets, we're developing a version for other equine professionals to monitor motion patterns using Sleip. In this way, irregularities can be picked up and horses referred to veterinarians earlier. Analysis videos and data makes the referral easier.

Our customers

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"As a perfectionist, I prioritize the well-being of my horses and our performance together. Since horses can't communicate in words, we must rely on understanding their signals. Sleip helps my vet, and me achieve this."

— Henrik von Eckermann
Olympic show jumping athlete and World Championship Gold medalist

"It’s great to have a tool like Sleip to back up your opinion and to be able to show precise metrics of any movement irregularity. It can work a bit like the cameras used for replay in ice hockey or football to prove your point."

— Lisa Lidbeck
Equine vet, FEI vet level 4

"Sleiping my horses is a routine that allows my vet and I to stay one step ahead, it helps us pick up on potential injuries or issues before it gets serious. My horses and I are a team, and as a rider I want to do everything I can to ensure their welfare."

— Max Kühner
Showjumping Athlete, World Cup & Championship Finalist

"Those that live in fear of tech replacing vets are missing the point. This is a tool to make you better. Sleip is better at seeing small things than what we are.“

— Marcus Swail
Irish team veterinarian

"I think Sleip can be pivotal for improved horse welfare. It helps me detect changes at an early stage, so I can make better decisions about training load and rest, and has significantly eased communication between me and my vet."

— Aminda Ingulfson
Rider in the Swedish Eventing Team

”Sleip is an unparalleled complement to my subjective lameness evaluation of a patient. What's more, by inviting clients to send me recordings we can monitor progress together, remotely.”

— Maria Terese Engell
Veterinarian and founder of Rider in Balance

"We follow all the horses in the national XC team of Sweden to try to see it before it happens. This is one way to make sure that the athletes get the best possible care.”

— Enar Tollig
Team veterinarian, Swedish eventing team

"This is useful for any sport horse in any discipline, as all can be susceptible to a higher risk of injury from training and/or competition."

— Olivia Rudolphi
Rudolphi Veterinary Service
mari rhodin

“Sleip is a really good tool for monitoring horses in training, for early detection of lameness, and it’s also very useful at the clinic. We use it to help identify the lame limb, and for comparisons before and after diagnostic analgesia for example.”

— Marie Rhodin
DVM, DECVSMR and associate professor

Latest news

Getting started with Sleip is easy

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Explore objective gait analysis with us 

Latest blogs from Sleip

Gillian Tabor: Enhancing routine physiotherapy with tech and data

Gillian Tabor: Enhancing routine physiotherapy with tech and data

Discover how Dr. Gillian Tabor integrates objective gait analysis into routine physiotherapy and collaborates with vets in caring for both competition and leisure horses.

Movement asymmetry: Biological variation or lameness? by Marie Rhodin

Movement asymmetry: Biological variation or lameness? by Marie Rhodin

Marie Rhodin, DVM explores movement asymmetry in horses and whether it is possible to say when the asymmetry indicates lameness.

Mark Casse: Talking with a racing legend

Mark Casse: Talking with a racing legend

Dive into the world of horse racing with legendary trainer Mark Casse.

Supporting those who care for horses 

Sleip is used by vets all over the world. See what Marie Rhodin, DVM, DECVSMR, and associate professor, has to say about her experience with the Sleip app.

“The combined video and biomechanical data is very useful because it makes it easy to interpret the results", says Marie. 

Strengthen horse health and performance with Sleip

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