Share analysis results with anyone via temporary weblink

Share analysis results with anyone via temporary weblink

We are thrilled to introduce a new feature in the Sleip app that allows users to share complete analysis results through a temporary, open weblink. This update makes it easy for vets and horse care teams to share detailed Sleip analysis data—including both videos and asymmetry data—with clients, colleagues, and other health professionals. Best of all, the recipient does not need to be a Sleip user to access shared analysis.

This feature is designed to enhance collaboration by providing anyone with a 30-day valid weblink to view analysis results, streamlining communication around horse health and performance.

 "Being able to share objective analysis with everyone involved in a horse's care supports more informed decision-making and strengthens collaboration across teams," says Elin Hernlund, DVM and Chief Medical Officer at Sleip.

Seamless sharing to support collaboration

Users can now share analysis results straight from the Sleip app by generating a secure weblink. The link, which is valid for 30 days, can be sent to anyone via email, messaging apps, or other platforms. This feature is perfect for vets who want to consult with specialists, share updates with clients, or keep colleagues in the loop without worrying about platform restrictions.

Objective, transparent communication

Users have previously been able to export PDF summaries of the analysis results. Making the full analysis sharable, including the analysis videos, provides a clear objective view of the horse’s movement pattern. This makes it easier to discuss treatment plans or performance improvements.

"Sleip has always been about supporting objective and data-driven horse care. This new sharing feature takes that a step further by making it easier to communicate and collaborate around a horse’s health," Hernlund adds.


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