Sleip: A game-changer clinically and commercially

Sleip: A game-changer clinically and commercially

Dr. Marc Koene, co-owner of the Veterinary Clinic Lüsche, the largest equine clinic in Germany, shares his experiences of integrating Sleip into his business and its impact on the veterinary practice.

Marc Koene

Team vet for the German Dressage Team and co-owner of Veterinary Clinic Lüsche

marc koene


An investment and a source of income 

"Many veterinarians commonly use telemedicine through their mobile phones or receive WhatsApp videos from clients, often without charging for these services. This is problematic. While many vets feel obligated to offer these services as a courtesy to their clients, it's important to recognize that it consumes their valuable time." says Marc Koene

Dr. Koene has successfully turned Sleip into a valuable investment to enhance clinical work in a way that also provides new commercial benefits. He elaborates on the business model: 

"With Sleip, you have a monthly subscription fee structure based on how many accounts you need. We have 12 licenses in the clinic, and everyone uses the tool as part of our clinical work. The value-add is very clear to our clients, they see the measurements we do, and we can discuss the results and share documentation.

"For the initial Sleip measurement, we charge 80 euros, and for follow-up sessions, it's 40 euros. This makes it a no-brainer investment. We earn back the subscription fee we pay in a couple of days. Sleip is game-changing in that it makes regular gait analysis accessible also in terms of price, for the clinic and the clients." he comments. 

Changing dynamics in the veterinary profession

The veterinary profession is evolving. Marc Koene notes that new generations of veterinarians have shifted away from grueling 90-hour workweeks, thanks partly to government regulations limiting work hours to 40-42 hours per week. To adapt, creative scheduling, such as three 8-hour shifts, has been introduced, leading to improved work-life balance and mental health. Furthermore, technician salaries have risen by 30 percent, reflecting a deeper understanding of where financial gains and losses occur. Dr. Koene emphasizes that financial awareness, coupled with a skilled Chief Financial Officer, is crucial for maintaining a financially sound and sustainable practice.

Sleip's role in enhancing veterinary practice

Beyond its financial benefits, Sleip is also enhancing the quality of veterinary care. Historically, the profession has prioritized clinical expertise over business strategy. Sleip, however, bridges this gap by showcasing that exceptional veterinary care can also yield financial returns.

By offering not only technological advancements but also a contributing to a profitable business model, Sleip is changing the veterinary field, making it an indispensable asset for modern veterinarians. Dr. Marc Koene sees Sleip has a game-changer, elevating both veterinary care and the business.

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